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International House has been serving Charlotte's local immigrant population since 1981. We serve more than 5,000 foreign-born and foreign-rooted Charlotte neighbors per year.

With your support, International House is able to help immigrants and international culture thrive in Charlotte.


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Donate Today

Whether a one-time or monthly donation you will make a difference when you donate to International House. If you would like to speak with a member of our development

team, please email

Send your donation via mail

(check, cash, money order,

a grant from a DAF or IRA distribution)

International House

1611 East 7th Street

Charlotte, NC 28204

Federal tax ID #58-1440413

Donor Advised Funds

Grants from Donor Advised Funds are simple, beneficial, and tax effective. Please consider giving to International House through your charitable investment account. We recommend that you discuss this giving option with your financial advisor or email us at to learn more.



"International House represents all that is good within the Charlotte Community. Their commitment and dedication to helping immigrants settle and succeed in this region while supporting residents and businesses is why we have been a proud supporter for over 15 years and will continue to be."

- Sou Astete

Charlotte IT,  Sponsor and long time friend of International House


IRA Distribution

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IRA distributions are another great way you can support Charlotte's international community. Discuss this option with your financial advisor. Sometimes distributions are required, we hope you'll consider International House if so.


If you'd like to donate to International House through a stock transfer, simply contact your broker and let them know our organization's details as listed above.

Important: You cannot mail us stock certificates, you will need to transfer that stock to International House through your broker or Vanguard account.

Please let us know when you make a gift. Vanguard does not notify us or provide your name.

DTC 0062 
Account 20042302 
Account name:  International House of Metrolina, Inc. 
Address: 1611 E 7th, Street,  Charlotte, NC 28204  
Tax ID: 58-1440413 
Please let us know when you make a gift. Vanguard does not notify us or provide your name.

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Employer Matching

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Your donation and impact on our community could double just by talking to your manager! Please talk to your Human Resources department about employee matching today.

If you would like to speak with a member of our development team to ask us questions about supporting International House, please email us at


"Over time I became aware of all that International House does to strengthen our international community with education programs, an immigration clinic, and other cultural programs. My husband, Stuart, and I love supporting such a unique organization, and we also have had the benefit of having made life-long friends through Doorways members and their families."

- Anna Smith

Sponsor and long time friend of International House


Planned Giving

When creating your financial or estate plan to donate assets, we hope you'll consider International House. This giving can include cash, property, stocks, life insurance, real estate, artwork, retirement plans, and more. Please contact your financial advisor or email us at and we'll be happy to help share more.

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Amazon Wish List


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"I have been a proud supporter, cheerleader, volunteer, and Board Member of International House since I migrated to Charlotte from New England in 1988. IH draws in people who desire to be connected with international cultures, serve the immigrant in our community, and those who need the services available at International House. It is a multi-faceted gem of a place."

- Cynthia Aziz

Retired IH Board Member, Sponsor and Long-Time friend of International House


Thank you!

We are here to help with any and all questions you may have about donating to International House. Please reach out to and we'll be happy to meet with you, answer any and all questions you may have, as well as share different giving options you may want to explore. 

Thank you for considering International House, we work hard every day to serve our immigrant community so Charlotte continues to thrive.

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