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I was so happy! All my family had citizenship and I didn’t, but I knew I needed to get it. Everybody was voting and I said, ‘I need to vote, I need to be a citizen, an American.

Rahel Seifu (Ethiopia)

Student of the Citizenship Preparation Program 

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Citizen Preparation Class

Students receive civics instruction and interview preparation. Each course is 10 weeks and meets once a week.

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Adult English Classes

We offer in-person classes for all levels that meet twice a week.  Our classes are free to attend and cover a variety of topics over the course of each 8 week session.

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English Conversation Hours

Conversation Hours are small group sessions to practice speaking English in a safe, encouraging space.  All levels of English are welcome. Topics vary depending on group interest.

RisingUp & Rising Readers

Rising Readers is 6-week summer literacy camp focused on preventing summer reading and learning loss for approximately 250 K-5th grade students who have been identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP).  


Rising Up is an afterschool tutoring program focused on increasing students' foundational literacy skills and English Language proficiency for 3rd –5th grade students identified as English Language Learners (ELL).

We are always seeking individuals interested in our paid tutoring positions. If you are interested please fill out this form

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