People of the World

One Saturday each month, we sponsor an international meet-n-greet at International House, at 1611 E 7th Street, called the People of the World series.
We feature a different cultural group living right here in Charlotte, every month.
This event offers a chance for community members to learn about IH and the work we do, while also learning about a new culture.
You'll get to meet IH staff members, interns, volunteers, and other foreign-rooted or foreign-minded individuals.
Please join us - you'll probably make some new friends!
To learn more about a specific People of the World event, please click on their respective photo.

“I was involved in the International House programs 20 years ago, when I first moved to the United States. You helped me with my work permit, you helped me learn English. I own my own business now, and I see you every month at Common Market. I’m so glad to see that International House is still here supporting the community.”